Living in alignment with the seasons reminds us that we too are a part of nature and there is a graceful ease that happens when we are aligned with the cycles and seasons of nature.

Spring is associated with the direction of the East, the rising Sun and the element of Air. This element brings a wind of inspiration, opens the heart & mind and carries our prayers to their soulful destinations. Maybe you too feel the awakening of Spring in your bones...there is a renewed hope and lightness that is rising within. Looking forward to gathering this Spring season to celebrate the awakening of the earth and our spirits as we greet this creative & expansive time of year.

Each circle will have its own unique theme and creativity craft ritual. Creative rituals help us bring our heart’s intention out into the earth plane, allowing us to find a safe resting spaces for deep healing and soul intentions. The circle itself is a community ritual and the creation of the craft becomes a personal ceremony. The craft then becomes alive in the form of a talisman that serves as a physical reminder of dreams, wishes and healings that were called in.

It is my hope that each circle helps us to raise our vibration and uplift our hearts as we take in the medicine of sisterhood. Together we collectively create a container for each woman to bring our inner world out into the present moment to be healing, uplifted, and celebrated.




Join us in the May Medicine Circle where we will celebrate the sweet season of Spring!

In this circle, we will be making Spring Dandelion Medicine to cleanse and restore the body after the Winter.

Dandelions strengthen our 3rd chakra (solar plexus) by lighting us up with joy and helping us to stoke our inner fire. This hearty Herb supports us in conjuring the energy needed to greet the Spring. Dandelion increases our stamina, calls in focus & clarity and balances/cleans up old, stuck patterns. Just like its ability to grow up through the cracks in sideways and hard soil, it does this in the body too. Helping us clear stagnation in the liver (and mind), shift bad habits, balance hormones, and increase our overall vitality.

There is an unmeasurable power that is created when women gather. Circles offer a soulful way to gather with other women in ritual to call in what our soul is yearning for and make intentions for what we wish to grow more of in our lives. It is our intention that each circle helps to raise our vibration and uplift our hearts as we take in the medicine of sisterhood. Together we collectively create a container for each woman to bring our inner world out into the present moment to be healing, uplifted and celebrated.

The cost for this circle is $30 per woman.
This includes all supplies. No previous art experience needed.



Enjoy an evening of raising your vibration, taking in the laughter & medicine of sisterhood, creating soulful ritual art crafts and strengthening your connection to your natural rhythms by tuning into the universal cycles of the moon, seasons and nature to live with more soulful grace.

$28 per woman. This includes all supplies for craft and rituals.

In each circle we reserve a few scholarship spots for those sisters in need. If possible and you have the means to do so, please consider adding $3-8 in your registration fee to support helping other sisters who need financial support to attend.

Fort Collins circles will be held at my home in NW Fort Collins located at 444 N. Sunset Street, Fort Collins, CO, 80521. Click here for directions.
Once you register, you will receive an email with more detailed directions and info. A second email will be send by Alie a few days before class with more info on what to bring, direction, parking info and other specifics about this circle.

Pre-registration will help us properly prepare and assure there are enough supplies on hand. Once you book your spot, an email with the link will be sent to you with information about the circle.

We are all busy wild lives…so I totally understand that circumstances arise that can cause changes in our plans. Due to limited seating, we request that you cancel at least 24 hours before the circle. Circles often sell out and have a wait list of women who would love your spot if you are unable to attend. So please text me 970-412-4523 or email Alie at if you need to cancel, which will allow a spot to open for another sister to attend. There are no refunds for cancellations made within 24 hours before the circle. However, those who cancel at least 24 hours before circle, may use your circle fee as a credit for another upcoming circle within 3 months after your initial payment.
(Of course, I understand and take into account special situations.)



Our Moon Circles are held a different times of the moon phase.
Each circle has a theme that is inspired by the current zodiac sun sign, moon cycle or season.

Nature has a beautiful way of showing us how to live with grace. Nature works in cycles. A cycle of a seed, emergence, growth, action, expansion, fulfillment, letting it go and releasing. The amount of light in our days, shifts in seasons and moon cycles remind us that by syncing into our natural rhythms we can feel more alive and in tune. We hope that each circle provides a space to lean into your natural rhythm and celebrate where we are on nature’s every spinning wheel. We can find more balance and joy in life when we consider that there are times for rest and perfect times to bloom.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés (author of Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype) says it so brilliantly in this quote…“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”

Each circle allows us to pause our busy lives and take an opportunity to assess what our soul is yearning for. It is our intention that each circle helps to raise our vibration and uplift our hearts as we take in the medicine of sisterhood.

Learn more about Wild Roots Moon Circles here.



In each circle gathering, we explore a theme or energy that relates to the current season or zodiac through crafting a creative ritual. The circle itself, is a community ritual and the creation of the art project or craft become a personal ceremony. The creator is asked to infuse their craft with their intentions using their intuition and inner guidance. The craft then becomes alive in the form of a talisman that serves as a physical reminder of dreams, wishes and healings that were called in during that this moon cycle and beyond.

Renee Beck who wrote the Art of Ritual says so perfectly "The purpose of ritual is to increase balance and connection within ourselves, with each other, with the world, and with the larger rhythms and energies that bring stability and light to our lives." - Renee Beck

These circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we feel weak and sing with us when we are strong
— Sark