Custom Nature Art Rituals

I would be honored to co-create and facilitate a custom art ritual, ceremony or team building workshop for you, your family or organization.

I believe creativity is important and vital to the well-being of our soul. And when we create with intention and prayer it becomes a ritual that helps us tap into our wise, inner guidance and allows us to become more intimately present with life. Art ritual projects are a perfect vehicle for moving through challenging emotions and honoring big moments in our lives. They help us to quiet the noisy world we live in and better connect with ourselves, each other and find our place in the natural world.

The busy pace of modern life, all too often leaves us with too little time left to connect to our true emotions, to be creative and to take in the healing energy of nature. Wild Roots was created out of a desire to slow down and feel connected to the wild, natural web that we live within. As Terry Tempest Williams says, "Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from."

In creating an art craft with intention, we can find a safe resting space for deep healing, big emotions and call in wishes for the future. The craft then becomes alive in the form of a talisman that serves as a physical reminder of dreams, wishes and healings that were called in while making it.

Renee Beck who wrote the Art of Ritual says so perfectly "The purpose of creative ritual is to increase balance and connection within ourselves, with each other, with the world, and with the larger rhythms and energies that bring stability and light to our lives." - Renee Beck

In the past, I have guided individuals and groups in making nature mobiles, earth mandalas, elemental stones, intuitive painting, leather crafts, herbal salves, hand—built pottery projects, woven earth looms, dream boxes, vision boards, journey sticks and medicine wheels. No previous art experience is necessary. We honor that being creative can often take bravery and courage, especially when the ideas are powered by the heart and the depths of our wild soul.

I also offer Mama Blessing Ceremonies, which is a beautiful ceremony and celebration of the rite of passage of a women becoming a mother. Learn more about Mother Blessing Circles (also known as Blessing Way Ceremonies) here.

Custom events are created so they are approachable and down to earth. We try to create them to fit the setting and rev up or tone down the woo woo so everyone feels comfortable.

Reach out via email here or call me at 970-412-4523 to discuss your desired event or ritual art workshop.

With Love and Gratitude,