Women's Moon Circles 🌙

Women's Moon Circles 🌙



During the winter month, trees shed their leaves and slow down their growth to make it through the darker & cold days of the seasonal wheel. All their energy is now focused within. Just like a tree, you too are bringing your energy inward. These Winter circles hold the intention of supporting us to lean deeper into rest and find quiet moments to be still and listen. Taking notice of what lights us up and sparks new dreams to carry through to the Spring.

Circles will be held on the following dates in Fort Collins at Wild Roots Studio’s (a backyard studio space).

Remembering that we too are a part of nature and there is a graceful ease that happens when we are aligned with the cycles and seasons of nature.

Each circle will have its own unique theme and creativity craft ritual. Creative rituals help us bring our heart’s intention out into the earth plane, allowing us to find a safe resting spaces for deep healing and soul intentions. The circle itself is a community ritual and the creation of the craft becomes a personal ceremony. The craft then becomes alive in the form of a talisman that serves as a physical reminder of dreams, wishes and healings that were called in.

It is my hope that each circle helps us to raise our vibration and uplift our hearts as we take in the medicine of sisterhood. Together we collectively create a container for each woman to bring our inner world out into the present moment to be healing, uplifted, and celebrated.

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